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Singles 2 Patch V1.4


Elixir is currently at major version v1. A new backwards compatible minor release happens every 6 months. Patch releases are not scheduled and are made whenever there are bug fixes or security patches.

Singles 2 Patch V1.4

Elixir may add compatibility to new Erlang/OTP versions on patch releases, such as support for Erlang/OTP 20 in v1.4.5. Those releases are made for convenience and typically contain the minimum changes for Elixir to run without errors, if any changes are necessary. Only the next minor release, in this case v1.5.0, effectively leverages the new features provided by the latest Erlang/OTP release.

The feature is effectively deprecated by emitting warnings on usage. This is also known as hard-deprecation. In order to deprecate a feature, the proposed alternative MUST exist for AT LEAST THREE minor versions. For example, Enum.uniq/2 was soft-deprecated in favor of Enum.uniq_by/2 in Elixir v1.1. This means a deprecation warning may only be emitted by Elixir v1.4 or later.

Recently, adhesive patch-type devices (APDs) have been used to detect AF. Compared to the Holter test, APDs are generally more compact and convenient for patients [5]. APDs also have the advantage of an extended monitoring period for up to several days, depending on the product. Therefore, APDs could be a valuable alternative to the Holter test. However, most APDs monitor single-lead ECG such that they can record ECG signals along a single vector. As a result, there are concerns of over- or under-detection of AF compared to the standard Holter test [6]. Additionally, the diagnostic performance of single-lead ECG monitoring could be suboptimal due to noisy tracings, frequent ectopic beats, or the coexistence of other tachyarrhythmias [7]. Although multiple studies have validated the diagnostic performance of single-lead ECG monitoring with APDs for various cardiac arrhythmias [6,8-11], evidence of direct comparisons between the Holter test and single-lead ECG monitoring with an APD for AF detection remains limited [12].

Device setting for electrocardiogram monitoring of a study participant. A study participant recorded a single-lead electrocardiogram (lead II) using an adhesive patch-type device (MC-100) and a three-channel electrocardiogram (lead I, V1, and V6) using the Holter test. Overlap of the electrodes of both devices was avoided to prevent signal noise and interference.

An example of onset and termination of paroxysmal AF detected by the adhesive patch-type device. Both onset and termination of paroxysmal AF can be accurately detected by the adhesive patch-type device. AF: atrial fibrillation.

Comparison of AF detection between the Holter and adhesive patch-type device. The daily proportions of participants with AF were detected by the 24-hour Holter test and 72-hour single-lead electrocardiogram monitoring with the adhesive patch-type device. AF: atrial fibrillation.

Distribution of AF burden measured by the Holter and adhesive patch-type device. The daily AF burdens were compared between 24-hour Holter monitoring and 72-hour single-lead electrocardiogram monitoring with the adhesive patch-type device. AF: atrial fibrillation.

An example of short episode of paroxysmal AF detected by the Holter and adhesive patch-type device. Both the Holter and adhesive patch-type device detected a short episode of paroxysmal AF accurately. AF: atrial fibrillation.

Comparison of the detection rates of paroxysmal AF with the adhesive patch-type device (MC-100) by episode durations. Limiting the minimally required duration of AF episodes to 30 seconds decreased the detection rate of paroxysmal AF by 9.1% overall. AF: atrial fibrillation; PAF: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

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I, Leif Ericson, am not the author.View the ReadMe for installation instructions and more information.Note: The Userpatch requires the 1.0c patch to be installed first. You can download the 1.0c patch here.Core Features of v1.4 (Released 23 July, 2015):- Population caps have been extended up to 250, or optionally 1000.- All available video resolutions, including HD and widescreen, are selectable.- Choose either the standard widescreen interface or the centered style.- Spectate any single player or multiplayer game live without lag for the players.- Mirror player civilizations with the new Team Random civ option.- Select a maximum age for advancement using the "Starting Age" dropdown.- Each map script generates 4,294,967,296 unique maps from 32,768 in v1.0c.- Single player mode now operates at 60fps instead of 20fps in v1.0c.- Browse saved and recorded games from subfolders in your SaveGame folder.- Check real-time achievement statistics while watching recorded games.- With the new Relics victory condition, capturing the relics is an instant win.- The patrol system responds like The Age of Kings with little to no delay.- New Random button above game settings for new styles of play.- Flares are now bold and render player colors on the mini-map display.- New higher resolution 1:1 and 1:2 full map captures with "Ctrl+F12".- Age advancement notifications are now shown in each player's color.- Restored games can now be recorded in all game modes.- The vote panel/serial sync bug has been fixed for multiplayer.- New auto-save if a problem occurs to ensure that resuming is possible.- Optional multiple building queue to auto-distribute unit training.- Many bug fixes for the core game and improvements for the AI system.- The installer will correct any color problems on Windows Vista and later.Changes from v1.3 to v1.4- Performance improved significantly for single player and the rec viewer.- Multiplayer CPU processing overhead reduced for human-only games.- Double-click .mgz and .mgx recs in the SaveGame folder to open them directly.- Team Random will mirror itself, preselected civs, Random, and Full Random.- The interface now updates at 60fps for HP counters, progress bars, and more.- Optional hidden civilization selection for lobby launched multiplayer games.- Double-clicking on hero units will not select similar looking hero unit types.- Barracks and castle huskarls are still selected together with a double-click.- Set the Patrol Default state to On (10s delay) or Off (2s delay) with "Ctrl+F1".- Hold "Ctrl" when clicking the patrol destination point to use the other delay.- Always-on-top and Background modes now display onscreen notifications.- Hover help can be toggled independently from event notifications with "F1".- Browse several new in-game statistics views in rec/spec mode with "F4".- Background mode is now tri-state: on, off, view lock.- Additional bug fixes are included for the core game.Spectator Stream System- Hosts can control this with the spectator button at the bottom of the setup screen.- Watch single player games, campaigns, and even 4v4 multiplayer games.- Enable restricted viewing or allow up to 32 people to spectate at once.- Spectators can late-join a game for about 10 minutes in game time.Single Player Recording- If "Record Game" is off, your game is recorded to "rec.mgz" and overwritten each new game.- If "Record Game" is on, your rec file is uniquely dated: rec.yyyymmdd-hhmmss.mgz.- Never miss an epic event in single player if you chose not to enable unique recording.- For multiplayer games, if "Record Game" is off, it is completely disabled, as usual.Record Viewer Updates- The rate hotkeys (usually numpad+ and numpad-) switch players without dropdown box lag.- The flare button/hotkey (usually Alt+F) will toggle the fog of war setting.- Replay speed now spans from 0% to 100% (0% = original slow, 100% = fast/unbounded).- The Slow button reduces speed by 25%, while the Fast button increases it by 25%.- Hold the "Shift" key when clicking these buttons for finer adjustments.- The Normal button will return playback to 50% speed (75% when spectating).New Statistics Views- Switch between Score, Population, Economy, Military, and Society views with "F4".- Score: standard player/team score, along with relic/wonder victory status.- Population: current/maximum, M: military population, C: civilian population.- Economy: W: wood stockpile, F: food stockpile, G: gold stockpile, S: stone stockpile.- Military: R: razed enemy buildings, D: own destroyed buildings, K: units killed, L: units lost.- Society: E: map exploration, C: conversions, R: relics held, T: techs completed.- The current age number is displayed after each player line in parentheses.Scenario Editor Updates- Setup units with the Create Object effect: set Number to 1 for enable, 2 for disable.- Setup techs with Research Technology: set Number to 1 for enable, 2 for disable, 3 for force.- Snap the view with the Change View effect: set Number to 1 for snap instead of scroll.- Change Object HP and Attack can now directly set a value: set Number to 1.- Heal units to maximum HP with the Change Object HP effect: set Number to 2.- Change unit stance with the Freeze Unit effect: set Number between 1 and 4.- Flash objects with the Change Ownership effect: set Number to 1.- Resign a player with the Declare Victory effect: set Number to 1.- Assign Ctrl groups with the Stop Unit effect: set Number between 1 and 9.- Activating or deactivating invalid triggers will notify you instead of crash.- Trigger elements are named and prefixed: C (condition), R (reverse condition), or E (effect).- Fixed trigger corruption when attempting to select more than 25 units for a patrol effect.- The Set Objects button will perform changes more reliably, avoiding unintentional deselection.- Objects in the "Others" category will not be reset when returning to a trigger.Multiple Building Queue- Hosts can control this with the SQ/MQ button at the bottom of the setup screen.- Select SQ for v1.0c style single queuing or MQ for the new multiple queuing.- With MQ, if multiple buildings are selected, any units trained will be auto-distributed.- Changing this in single player mode will preserve the default for future games.New Civilization Options- Team Random: mirrors civs on other teams, randomizing only if necessary.- Random: the original Random, which attempts to give you a unique, random civ.- Full Random: truly random, giving you the first pick, without regard for uniqueness.Patrol Default Modes (Ctrl+F1)- Patrol Default: Off - units initiate attacks after 2 seconds when patrolled.- Patrol Default: On - units initiate attacks after 10 seconds (v1.0c style).- Hold "Ctrl" when clicking the patrol destination point to use the other delay.Extended Help Modes (F1)- Extended Help: Off/Off - all of the extended help is disabled.- Extended Help: Off/On - event notification messages are displayed.- Extended Help: On/Off - extended hover help popups are displayed.- Extended Help: On/On - both event notifications and hover popups are displayed.Always-on-Top Mode (F7)- Set View: Off - window will move behind other windows (default).- Set View: On - window will stay on top of other windows.Background Mode (F8)- Back: Off - mouse locked inside window border, pause on alt+tab (default).- Back: On - mouse free to move beyond border, no pause (spectator default).- Back: View Lock - mouse locked inside window border, no pause (new).Windowed Mode:- Select a resolution lower than your desktop resolution to enable.- Your chosen resolution will take effect once gameplay begins.- Thanks to menopem for d3dhook, and veg for wndmode.Port Forwarding:- Install with admin privileges to automatically setup your firewall.- Forwarding ports is only necessary to connect outside a LAN.- Ports will be forwarded dynamically as required when installed.- UPnP must be enabled on your router for this feature.M3U Music Playlists:- Set your favorite tracks as background music during gameplay.- Create a "music.m3u" playlist in the "Sound" folder of the game.- Please see the Music section of the guide for more information.Color Fix for Windows- The color palette distortion is fixed by this system compatibility update.- Admin privileges are required one time to apply the required registry fixes.- This issue only affects Windows Vista and later.DWM Fixes for Windows 8- 8-bit color mitigation is enabled by this system compatibility update.- Admin privileges are required one time to apply the required registry fixes.- This issue only affects Windows 8 and later.Maximum Age Setting- The "Standard" and "Dark - Imperial" settings span all ages of the game.- All of the other settings are restricted as described from starting age to end.- If you play against the built-in Computer, a Castle Age maximum or later is required.- Wonder Race must reach the Imperial Age, unless your mod allows early wonders.Relics Victory Condition- This optional condition can be found with Standard, Conquest, Time Limit, and Score.- In this mode, the first player/team to capture all relics wins the game.- There is no countdown; once all relics are captured, the game ends immediately.- This condition is almost identical to the scenario editor-exclusive condition.Scenario Editor:- Press "Ctrl+S" once to disable grid placement of non-building objects.- Enable free placement of all objects by pressing "Ctrl+S" a second time.- For free placement on a grid, press "Ctrl+S" a third time.- Fill new maps or modify existing maps with any available terrain.- Create maps using custom rms scripts directly in the scenario editor.- Trees, mines, and more are now properly replicated by the map copy feature.- Change the names of units in a specific area, without having to preselect.- Use negative numbers more freely with trigger conditions and effects.- New reverse condition checkbox to invert your scenario trigger conditions.- Area selection options for the patrol effect and the fewer-objects condition.- Change object speed, range, and armor with new trigger effects.AI & RM Scripts:- New maps can use grouped team positioning for a different experience.- Start your civilization on maps like Acropolis with new elevation attributes.- AIs are selectable in multiplayer (direct ip or lan games are most stable).- Multiplayer games can be started with only AI players for practice.- AIs can now choose to close openings created in their walls.- Boar hunting and luring is now fixed and operational for AIs.- Ungrouped AI players will not ally themselves against humans.- AIs are now able to lure deer and clear trees on michi maps.- Direct unit control commands are available for precision AI unit micro.- The reference guide describes all of the new features.Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 Last AuthorComments & Reviews ( All Comments Only Reviews Only )iLikeHellPosted on 03/31/13 @ 06:27 AMHi, all good but snow and ice are seen as shallow and grassscripter64Posted on 03/31/13 @ 07:09 AMOh, have you selected the "Snow/ice terrain removal" feature? To get snow back, uncheck the option and then click Install again to save the change. [Edited on 03/31/13 @ 07:10 AM] 2ff7e9595c

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